Game Wordament Snap Attack

Game Wordament Snap Attack

Wordament Snap Attack | Not long ago the Redmond software giant , Microsoft , launched Wordament Snap Attack game exclusively for smartphones with the Windows Phone operating system . Wordament Snap Attack is the sequel of the game Wordament which was a success attracted the attention of casual gamers .

Although the game is called Wordament Snap Attack of Wordament sequel , but this game actually brought the genre and gameplay are somewhat different . Snap Attack Wordament word game offers exciting , challenging , and certainly is addictive .
Wordament Snap Attack
Jason Cahill and John Thornton , Snap Attack Wordament game developers who previously also develop games Wordament Wordament say that the game is similar to Scrabble Snap Attack are ready to satisfy gamers Boogle ,

The game in this game Wordament Snap Attack players ready to challenge the brain in 2.5 minute rounds for each session . Not only that , like other modernm games , Wordament Snap Attack is also supported by features of the leader board in real -time showing the ranking of the players based on the resulting score .

Wordament Snap Attack game also allows players to compete with other players around the world and can compete at the same game , at the same hour , and make arrangement or Snap as much as possible to win the game .

As quoted from Softpedia ( 05/06/2014 ) , Snap Attack Wordament games are available and can be downloaded free of charge for smartphones with Windows Phone 8 operating system in the Windows Phone Store by following this link .

Reportedly , Snap Attack Wordament game will also be released on iOS and Android in the next summer .

Game Wordament Snap Attack

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